The Central York Middle School (CYMS) Fife & Drum Corps was a wonderful part of our program at our meeting on Monday, May 13. This talented group of CYMS 7th and 8th grade musicians comprise one of the only fife and drum corps in America that is part of a public school music program. In addition to their performing, they also educated us on the role of fifes and drums, the training that corps members underwent and the commands the drum major signaled with their mace. You can read more about the CYMS Fife & Drum Corps at:
Former Governor Tom Wolf was the guest speaker at our meeting. He spoke of the relevance of education, its impact on the betterment of our society and efforts during his tenure to increase educational funding in the Commonwealth.
YCPASR Scholarship Awards
Left to right: Karen Miller, YCPASR Educational Support Committee Co-Chair, YCPASR Scholarship Recipients Peyton Ruhland, Spring Grove Area High School and Mya Diehl, York Suburban High School and Jen Trout, YCPASR Educational Support Committee Co-Chair. The Educational Support Committee received twelve applications for the two scholarships awarded this year. Of the seventeen school districts in York County, there were eleven different districts represented.
Left to right: Karen Miller, YCPASR Educational Support Committee Co-Chair, YCPASR Scholarship Recipients Peyton Ruhland, Spring Grove Area High School and Mya Diehl, York Suburban High School and Jen Trout, YCPASR Educational Support Committee Co-Chair. The Educational Support Committee received twelve applications for the two scholarships awarded this year. Of the seventeen school districts in York County, there were eleven different districts represented.
YCPASR 2024 Woodson Award Recipients
Mother and daughter Stephanie Decker, Hayshire Elementary School Paraprofessional and Renee Decker, Roundtown Elementary School Teacher
Mother and daughter Stephanie Decker, Hayshire Elementary School Paraprofessional and Renee Decker, Roundtown Elementary School Teacher