Membership Information
Here is where you can find information about who we are, what we do, when we meet, and why we make a difference in our community.
What is YCPASR?
What is YCPASR, you ask? What do we do? When do we meet?
Who we are: We are retired Public School Employees, former employees, active employees over age 50, or anyone (spouse, significant other, friend, neighbor) interested in the work of our organization
What we do: Our Mission Statement says it all: To serve others in the community and help each other enjoy retirement. We meet for fellowship... READ MORE
Who we are: We are retired Public School Employees, former employees, active employees over age 50, or anyone (spouse, significant other, friend, neighbor) interested in the work of our organization
What we do: Our Mission Statement says it all: To serve others in the community and help each other enjoy retirement. We meet for fellowship... READ MORE
Who can join YCPASR
Who we are:
Retired Public School Employees. Our group includes any staff member from teachers to secretaries to nurses to cafeteria workers, maintenance, teacher aides, administrators, those in nursing, specialists, and anyone else who was employed or at one time worked for a public school... READ MORE
Retired Public School Employees. Our group includes any staff member from teachers to secretaries to nurses to cafeteria workers, maintenance, teacher aides, administrators, those in nursing, specialists, and anyone else who was employed or at one time worked for a public school... READ MORE
How do I join?
Interested in joining our organization? It’s easy!
- Find the Application for Membership form right here in the Membership section of our Website
- Read over the Membership Form carefully.
- Download the form.
- Fill out the form.
- Send the form with your dues payment of $15 to the person listed near the top of the form.
*** We have an interactive form.Type your information on the form.Save the form to your files so you have it in case you need it in the future.Download the form and print it.Send the form and the $15 dues payment to the person listed on the Membership Form. ***
After you have sent the Membership Form and the dues payment to the Membership person, be sure to put the dates of our meetings in your calendar (You can find the information about dates and places for our meetings here.)
When you come to your first luncheon meeting, please be sure to tell the members who are at the Check-in table that this is your first meeting. You will be welcomed!! Then, find your way to the Membership Table to introduce yourself to the Membership Committee. We will welcome you and help you to find a place to sit so that you have some friendly faces to get to know!
You can find information about the luncheons (time, date and registration form) on the Newsletter page (click here.)
When you come to your first luncheon meeting, please be sure to tell the members who are at the Check-in table that this is your first meeting. You will be welcomed!! Then, find your way to the Membership Table to introduce yourself to the Membership Committee. We will welcome you and help you to find a place to sit so that you have some friendly faces to get to know!
You can find information about the luncheons (time, date and registration form) on the Newsletter page (click here.)
Membership Forms
If you wish to pay by State and Local membership by credit card - you may join both organizations from the PASR page: